
The Trinny Takeover Show: Georgie

Season 1 Episode 4

Georgie has just turned 50 and is feeling the menopausal changes in her body. She has a wardrobe full of magnificent clothes but has lost her way with how to dress and wonders if she needs to change her style from trendy to classic? Can I help this fun-loving air-hostess, who is also has 4 grandchildren, find herself again?

If you feel inspired or want to take part in future shows. Email us attaching a 1 minute video in portrait mode explaining your dilemma to watch@trinnylondon.com

Today London, tomorrow the world. (You can apply if you live in NY too……)

Georgie's Match2Me

Skin: Peaches and Tan with Freckles

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Makeup used on Georgie

BFF Cream SPF 30 in Light-Medium (£35)

BFF Eye in Reda (£26)

Just A Touch in Trintron (£28)

Cheekbones in Kate (£25)

Eye2Eye in Empress (£18)

Lip Luxe in Tashi (£22)

Lip Love in Sacha (£24)

Lip Light in Glinda (£24)

Face Finish (£25)


All the products featured on my social media channels I have purchased myself, or on occasion, have been sent to me by PR companies when called in.

I do not accept payments to create content or suggest specific products and items on my social channels. However I do occasionally use affiliate links, meaning I earn commission should you purchase my recommended products.

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