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I am in the kitchen this time for a deep dive into supplements with the fantastic Shabir from Victoria Health. I love doing one on one sessions with people who are true experts in the field of health, beauty, makeup and wellbeing.
Some of the main takeaways from my time with Shabir are below, on multi vitamins and supplements to take in your 20’s. As always, take from it what suits you as a person. You might not need to take all of the them, but just incorporating one into your daily routine could really help maintain a healthy lifestyle and address some of your own concerns.
This is something that I am always asked about because people simply don’t know what they should take; what is important during certain ages and all of this can be confusing so I thought that it best that we look at fundamentals through the ages.
Obviously everyone’s nutritional needs are slightly different because of:
state of gut health – inflammation, microbiome etc
stress – impacts on absorption of nutrients
age – because as we age we produce less digestive enzymes which break down food more efficiently
diet – varies according to individuals
active lifestyles – the body places huge demands on nutrients during exercise and of course many minerals are lost through sweat etc.
Before we drill drown the age ranges, I think it is important to understand that whilst we would all like to obtain our nutrients through the foods we ingest, this is not always achievable because:
Some of fruits and vegetables may be a few days old which means their nutritional value may be compromised:
cooking can affect the nutritional value of food
agricultural practices – eg selenium has been found to be deficient in numerous soils around the world leading to possible deficiencies – crop rotation; farming methods that rely on heavy use of pesticides and fertilisers may deplete nutrients within the soil and hence within the foods we eat.
pre-cooked foods often have low nutritional values
These are just some of the factors that may prevent us from getting our nutrients from the foods we eat which is why I believe that a quality multivitamin is important for all of us to consider and through all the ages.
So which multivitamin should you consider?
There are many multivitamin supplements on the market, some synthetic, some semi-synthetic and finally the ones that I prefer which are the food state multivitamins.
Briefly, the history of food state nutrients can be traced back some 80 years ago when the Nobel prize winner Albert Gyorgi realised that isolated vitamin C may not be as efficacious as when it is present with some of the synergistic compounds that are present in foods containing vitamin C.
Whilst basically we could say that a broth of vegetables and fruits is ground up, concentrated and then powder is tableted, in reality the process is a lot more complicated. So you are providing your body with nutrients in a form just like real food.
My favourite of all time is Alive Once Daily Multivitamin which really provides high strengths of easily absorbable vitamins, minerals, vegetable and fruit extracts. ** note this is not suitable for vegetarians nor vegans because of the vitamin A which is an oil-based vitamin and is encapsulated within the formulation with gelatin **
For vegetarians and vegans, I would recommend Terra Nova’s Living MultiNutrient Complex which utilises vegan vitamin D3 derived from lichen. This still provides all the vitamins and minerals in a food state within a magnifood base which enhances absorption as well as providing phytonutrients.
Alive is a large tablet and some people simply cannot swallow tablets or capsules – to this end, Source of Life Gold Liquid is perhaps one of the best food state multivitamin liquid and is ideal for those who also have a compromised digestive system. ** this suitable for vegans as the vitamin d3 is obtained from lichen.
So now we have got our base covered and we move to supplements in our 20’s.
In your 20’s, many people live a fast-paced lifestyle and often they may be not eating the correct foods or may skip a meal or are simply not eating enough of the right foods.
Take the multivitamin of your choice ensuring this supplies vitamin A for healthy skin and folic acid or folate which is important for anyone planning a pregnancy.
Take an omega 3 supplement because research indicates that omega 3’s display multiple benefits by quenching inflammation; are required for hormone production; help to moisturise skin but also prevent acne, spots and blemishes; for brain performance and provide a host of other benefits. A good omega 3 supplement. Remember that these are termed essential fatty acids because they are vital for a number of processes and the body cannot manufacture them.
A good fish oil supplement will be of benefit such as Lion Heart Omega 3 Fish Oil or Krill Oil which provides the cleanest source of omega 3’s.
If you are a vegan then the best source of omega 3’s is actually Echiomega which contains echium seed oil. Vegetarian sources of omega 3’s such as flaxseeds and hemp seeds provide ALA which has to be converted into EPA and DHA which occurs in smaller amounts. Echium seed oil contains SDA which has been found to be converted in greater amounts into EPA and DHA.
I like to keep it simple but of course additional supplements usage depends on if other concerns are present such as heavy periods, high stress levels or moderate to severe acne.
Acne – Clear Skin Complex – can be introduced safely
Heavy periods – can introduce PeriAgna safely – explain why
Chronic stress – can introduce Florassist Mood safely even if on medication.
Remember that you need to be wary of high levels of vitamins A, E, D and K as they are oil soluble and so using a variety of supplements may causes these to build up.
More to come in part two on supplements to take in your 30’s, 40’s and 50’s…stay tuned…
The contents of this video are not intended to replace conventional medical or dermatological treatments and advice. Any suggestions made are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. If you have any personal concerns please seek the advice of a healthcare practitioner.
All the products featured on my social media channels I have purchased myself, or on occasion, have been sent to me by PR when called in.
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