T-Brush Set
Alle drei Must-have T-Brushes in einem schicken Make-up-Täschchen
Die Preisangaben enthalten Steuern und Zölle für EU-Länder
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There’s nothing worse than rummaging through shelves and endless makeup bags searching for that particular product you wanted to use. Having a collection that only includes your can’t-live-withouts, as well as a few wild cards for the moments you want something extra, means there’s no diving through unloved or expired products. Getting rid of shades you no longer use, formulations you no longer love and old favourites you no longer reach for can help streamline your stash, meaning your morning routine is more streamlined and it takes less time to get ready. And who doesn’t want an extra 10 minutes in bed? An organised, stress-free space means a little less chaos in the mornings and a more peaceful environment for a bit of me-time. If you’re ready to downsize and learn how to organise and declutter your makeup collection, read on…
Like the old, forgotten half-pack of butter in your fridge, expired products lingering in your stash are taking up valuable room. To know if your products are expired, locate the symbol of an open jar with the letter M (this might be on the bottom of the product or on a label). The M stands for month, and the number before it indicates how many months it can be open for before it should be thrown away. If it doesn’t have a date, you might find it helpful to write down the month and year you open something. Or alternatively, check your emails and order history for any makeup you know you’ve ordered online. A great general rule (for many things in life, not just makeup), is if it smells or looks strange, it’s probably best in the bin.
We know sending makeup to the bin can be tough and wearing expired makeup might be tempting, but we have your best interests in mind. Expired products can change in texture and shade, so your beloved must-haves may not be working to their full potential once they’ve passed their date. Application may become tricky as products tend to harden and dry out, not to mention the risk of bacteria that may lead to breakouts.
We all have products lingering in our collections that we know we’ll never reach for again, or may have never even tried on. Finding these products a new home (or the bin if they’ve expired) will help carve some room in your stash. To help prevent any future makeup mistakes, complete your Match2Me profile to find the shades that are perfectly suited to your unique combination of skin, hair and eye colour.
Once you’ve thrown away any expired or unloved products, you’re ready to clean the ones that made the cut. Gently wipe over all your pots and tubes so everything is spick and span, and don’t forget about your makeup brushes. While cleaning your tools may be a chore, it really should be a priority. Unwashed brushes can harbour a variety of bacteria that can lead to breakouts and clogged pores. Not sure how to clean your makeup brushes? We can help with that. If you store your makeup in drawers or tubs, it’s a good idea to give them a wipe too.
Reinige deine T-Brushes unterwegs mit einem Papiertuch
Für eine schnelle Reinigung trage einen Pinselreiniger nur auf die Pinselspitze auf und pass auf, dass die Flüssigkeit nicht in die Nähe des Metalls gelangt, da sich sonst die Pinselhaare lösen können
Für eine gründliche Reinigung nimm ein Stück Seife mit warmem Wasser oder ein sanftes Shampoo. Denk daran, deine T-Brushes unter dem Wasserhahn nach unten zu halten, damit kein Wasser auf das Metall fließt
Tupfe sie anschließend auf einem Handtuch ab und lege sie flach zum Trocknen hin
Throw all of your makeup into one box and hope for the best? Maybe it’s time to try a new system. Organising your makeup into categories can help speed up your morning routine, as well as keep you from digging through mounds of makeup to find that one specific lipstick shade. Whether you want to keep your categories simple, such as base, eyes and lips, or take it one step further and organise by brand, shade or most used and least used, that’s up to you. If you’re finding it hard to view your whole collection so things get forgotten and lost, try clear drawers or desk organisers so you can see everything you have available.
The ultimate organisational tip? Stack your staples. Not only does stacking your makeup help to keep your products in one neat, streamlined tower, but it also helps you pick out exactly the shade you were after – goodbye opaque packaging. Our stacks also make travelling with your makeup a doddle, simply click our T-Pots together to make a tower of makeup and slot it into your favourite makeup bag.
Alle drei Must-have T-Brushes in einem schicken Make-up-Täschchen
Dieser Stack enthält Lip Glow, Flush Blush und Eye2Eye
Stack anlegenGroße Kosmetiktasche mit ausreichend Platz für all dein Make-up
Perfekt zum Abfüllen deiner Lieblingsprodukte