
Why you should never skip your morning cleanse

The question of whether you need to wash your face in the morning, as well as the evening, is one that comes up time and time again. And here at Trinny London our resounding response is yes, yes you do.

Our skin goes through a lot at night

Bedtime might be when we get our rest and relaxation, but our skin is still busying itself as we snooze. We sweat in our sleep, especially when going through the menopause, and this can leave skin with a film on the surface. There’s also the bacteria from our pillows (even more of a concern if you have active spots), the dust that accumulates on our bedding, as well as saliva to contend with. Suddenly, skipping that morning cleanse doesn’t seem quite like such a good idea after all, does it?

How to cleanse your skin in the morning

So, start your day the right way by using our Be Your Best Enzyme Balm Cleanser or Better Off AHA/PHA Gel Cleanser to whisk away everything that has been brewing on your skin overnight. Massage into the skin, getting into all your face’s nooks and crannies, and rinse away with lukewarm water. As you’re not removing stubborn makeup or SPF there’s no need to double cleanse – once is more than enough.

Why not take this time to incorporate a little massage into your routine, or set an intention for the day? Life can be so busy, so taking a dedicated moment for yourself will put you in a good frame of mind to face the day.

Finally, as with all things surrounding skin, there are caveats when it comes to your morning cleanse. If your skin is so intensely dry or sensitive that washing it becomes more akin to torture than a treat, then limit your proper cleanse to just once a day. In this scenario, simply rinsing your face with water in the morning is a good compromise.

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